FSC Chain of Custody

SGS FSC Chain-of-Custodylle - Ningbo Zhongling New Material Co., Oy.
Tietää ZLLABELista on FSC Chain-of-Custody.

Jaa tämä viesti

The ZLLABEL has the FSC Chain-of-Custody.

What is the FSC chain of custody?

FSC Chain-of-Custody certification follows a product’s journey from the forest through the supply chain, ensuring that FSC-certified material is identified and maintained distinct from non-certified material along the chain.

What does FSC stand for?

The acronym FSC stands for ‘Forest Stewardship Council.The ‘tick tree emblemhas become a well-known comfort to users and consumers of paper and wood products all over the world.

Why is FSC important?

FSC provides the greatest level of protection for endangered species and forests, ensuring our planet’s safety and security.

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