Custom Film Labels

Film labels are constructed of films (similar to plastic) and are therefore more robust and flexible than paper labels.

The Label Film Laser are not limited to standard paper and basic adhesives at ZLLABEL. We can tailor a product to match your specific demands as a bespoke maker, including the use of high-performance laser printable films for drum labeling and other industrial applications, as well as acrylic adhesives that range from removable to industrial-strength permanent.

The Stiker Film Pencetakan Dua Sisi can be used for storage, logistics, and many other situations and purposes. Both sides are designed with the same mark for great ease of operation and viewing. They’re pressure-sensitive labels made with cutting-edge digital (rather than traditional print processes like flexography) printing technology.

Film Labels Features Include:

Finished in sheets or rolls
Low-temperature adhesives
High-temperature adhesives
Custom kits and die cuts
Specialty materials and adhesives
Highly durable inks

Film Labels-Related Products

Label Film Laser

Stiker Film Pencetakan Dua Sisi

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Pertanyaan: Label Film

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