Custom UL Labels

Apud ZLLABEL, we are experts in manufacturing Underwriters Laboratory (UL) and other compliant labels. We make every effort to ensure your custom labels are compliant, including:

▪ Helps you select the correct material according to UL required specifications

▪ Strictly follow the UL Label Center Art Guidelines

▪ Properly label your products so your UL follow-up service auditors know everything is in order

UL Labels Features Include:

PGAA Authorized Printing of the UL Mark
UL Classification Marks
UL Listed Marks
L-shaped Labels
R-type Labels
CSA C22.2 No. 0.15
UL 969
UL Recognized Components

UL Labels-Products Image-05
Obsequium certificatorium - UL 969, Intendens et Labeling Systems

Obsequium certificatorium – UL 969, Intendens et Labeling Systems

Certification pro Ningbo Zhongling Nova Materia Co., Ltd.

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