Custom Domed Labels

The domed label is a printed label with a clear 3D polyurethane bubble on top. As a consequence, you’ll have a stylish, long-lasting way to promote your brand or logo. How long will it last? DomeLabels can handle any situation. DomeLabels give you that wonderful dimension, whether you’re on snowshoes in subzero temperatures, exposed to high temperatures under the hood of a car, chemically sterilized on medical equipment, or dealing with abrasive circumstances on heavy machinery.

It’s the top choice for a long-lasting label. ZLLABEL Domed Labelssmooth surface resists bumps and scratches, and they can withstand the constant usage of equipment in a variety of sectors.

The key to long-term durability is the polyurethane bubble that’s causing the problem. In the automotive sector, polyurethane is used for truck bed liners, while in aviation, polyurethane is used to prevent erosion in helicopter blades.

It’s soft and flexible, and it won’t become yellow. Our labels are reinforced by adhesives that cling on heavy equipment despite wear and weather exposure, ensuring their quality and endurance.

Domed Labels Features Include:

Awesome 3D dimension
Extremely long-lasting
Superior substrates and adhesives
Experts in label design
Manufacturing is completed in-house
Quick response time
Excellent customer service
The polyurethane that is crystal clear never yellows
RoHS compliance requirements

Domed Labels-Related Products

Sample Type Series – 1

Sample Type Series – 2

Sample Type Series – 3

Sample Type Series – 4

Sample Type Series – 5

Маҳсулоти марбут

Гирифтани иқтибос зуд

Мо дар дохили он посух хоҳем дод 12 соат, лутфан ба почтаи электронӣ бо суффикс диққат диҳед "".

Инчунин, шумо метавонед ба Саҳифаи тамос, ки шакли муфассалтарро таъмин мекунад, агар шумо дар бораи маҳсулот дархостҳои бештар дошта бошед ё мехоҳед ҳалли тамғакоғазҳои фармоиширо ба даст оред.

Пурсиш: Тамғакоғазҳои гунбазӣ

Коршиносони фурӯши мо дар дохили он посух хоҳанд дод 24 соат, лутфан ба почтаи электронӣ бо суффикс диққат диҳед "".